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Walking with poles for health, posture & Biological Optimism


Poles are used to substitute the winning pattern of quadrupeds in which stepping on the fore legs connected the rebounding force of stepping to shoulder blades interaction with  the spine.


Reminding the upright Homo-Sapience  the shoulder Blades the mammals' pattern of interacting with the spine, which is still registered in the human Functional memory,  for re- vitalizing our upper back vertebrae, which tend to collapse in a hump


90 Total body coordinating movement processes

Walking with poles for health & biological optimism I - 11.5 hours

  • The file you are about to download is a PDF document with all the details and explanations about the program. Inside the PDF you will have an access link and password to a series of videos on the web.

  • 1. Restoring Ankle Springiness -Reminder of Potential Flexibility
    2. Revitalizing the Toes  - The Mobilizing Wave
    3. Sprinkling Sand Backward - Function of Scratching
    4. Aligning the Neck and Lumbar Vertebrae - Safety First
    5. Walking Backward - Spontaneous Reorganization
    6. Knees from Side to Side - Relaxation after Walking
    7. Elbows Walk on Knees - Arms / Legs Interaction
    8. Basic Evolutionary Codes for Locomotion - Homolateral vs. Contralateral

    9. Pelvis–Heel Rotation - Coordinating Leg with Trunk
    10. Aligning the Legs - Human Vertical Walk
    11. Strengthening a Leg - Empowering through Resistance
    12. Two-Pole Walk - First Approximation
    13. Pole Straightens Spine - Refresh in Walking Pause
    14. Expanding the Volume of the Lungs - Relaxation
    15. Head/Chest Zigzag - Upgrading Posture
    16. Aligning the Knee with a Strip - Safe Spring in Stepping
    17. The Wrap - A Loan of Optimal Posture
    18. A Slope - Uphill Falling Up / Downhill Running on Hot Coals
    19.  Breathing through the Extremities - Relaxation
    20. One Pole - Generating Ballistic Propulsion from the Arm
    21. Navigating Impact through Streamlined Posture - Domino Effect
    22. Skipping - The Challenge of Rhythm
    23. Creeping - The Authentic Fitness Test
    24. Homolateral vs. Contralateral - Anti-Gravity Strategies
    25. Adjusting the Eyes - Proportional Flexibility of the Spine
    26. Ribs around the Steering - Primal Dimension of Lateral Flexion
    27. Chicken Dance - Recovering Balance
    28. Stabilizing Hip Joints - Aligning the Wheels
    29. Pulling Poles in Pairs - Controlled Power Games
    30. Evoking the Yawn - Nature’s Gift of Internal Stretch
    31. The Zero-Balance Point - Focus of Pressure in Foot
    32. Fists   Dragging Tissues - First Aid to Vulnerable Lower Back
    33. Protecting the Lumbar in the Wrap - Safety First
    34.Tailbone Around the Wheel - Suspending the Pelvis
    35. Walking Freely Outdoors - Let Your Body Talk
    36. The Anti-Gravity Lever of the Sphincters - Integrative Network
    37. Feedback - Exchanging Receivers / Givers Roles
    38. Nonchalant Running - South Africa Demonstration Style
    39. Interlacing Elbows in Pairs - Mutual Uprightness
    40. Deck of a Boat - Relaxation
    41. Wrap Supporting Neck - Safety First
    42. Waving the Poles - Refresh in a Walking Pause
    43. Relaxation - Ancient Pattern of Homeostasis
    44. Align the Neck with a Feather Touch - Axis Correction
    45. Circle of Completion -Mutual Adjustability


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